Tag Archives: religion of light

Chapter 1. Light and Darkness


1. There are two Sources – God and Matter, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil – in all ways quite opposite, for they share nothing with each other, God being good and having nothing in common with Evil. In the ancient times there were no heavens and no earths – only Light and Dark existed, one apart from the other. The nature of the Light is Wisdom, the nature of the Dark is Ignorance; in all their movement and in all their rest there is no case where these two Principles are not opposed. God excels more in Good than Matter in Evil. For while the Light is a good Tree full of good fruits, Matter is an evil Tree bearing fruits consistent with the root. Now the fruits of that evil root are fornications, adulteries, murders, avarice, and all evil deeds which God has not planned. It is as when two Kings are fighting against each other, being enemies from the first, and having each his own property.
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