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Karuzuta d'Mar Mani

1. The First duty of the Hearer (laity-disciples, householders, sravaka) which he does is Fasting, Prayer and Alms-giving. Now the fasting in which he fasts is this, that the true faithful Hearer keeps the fasts of the year on Sundays, and to keep the Sabbaths of the year and rests from the works of the world. He also observes the purity of Sabbath, restraining himself from the desire of his spouse, keeping his bed pure by means of abstinence. He is frugal in his diet, nor does he defile his food with the gluttony of flesh (unnecessarily consuming meat) and the pouring out of blood (pouring blood on food or unnecessarily killing animals for food); further, on the fast days, he eats nothing defiled. Also he guards his hands from hurting and tormenting the Living Soul within (the Light within the physical body).

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Karuzuta d'Mar Mani

1. The Elect are themselves likened to the divine beings, similar in image (by their speech and actions) to the Celestial Beings; the Divinity also that has come down in them from on high has dwelt in them, and so they have done the Will of the Greatness. The Light-Mind puts a great Spirit on the Elect; therefore you find him actually standing on the earth while in his heart he rises, coming up to the Father, the God of Truth. Again, he descends by means of his insight and his meditation and goes down to the world of Darkness from which the Darkness erupted; his heart runs and welcomes all things. The Good and the Evil dwell in every man; the Saints carry a great burden on their shoulders for they stand in the body which is not their own since the Old Man dwells in their body also…

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